Wednesday, May 13, 2009

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I Hereby Declare The Girardi New York Yankees Watch Open

Sorry Joe. If we did it to Willie we're doing it to you.
You can't miss the playoffs two years in a row with a $200 million
dollar payroll.

6.5 games back is the kind of defecit that takes a month to make up.

The fans are not happy at all with the team and the stadium. It's
going to be very easy to not buy tickets in 2009 and definitely 2010.

The mystique is shockingly gone, left on the south side of 161st The
ghost of Joe Torre haunts from Los Angeles.

The first place Mets head to the west coast which means they turn
media-invisible. All eyes on the under .500 Yankees.

Joe, you better win some games fast or we'll see Bobby Valentine back
in New York before you know it.

Consider yourself warned. The watch is on.

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