Sunday, May 10, 2009

(5) Comments

JImmy Buffett's Miami Dolphins Song

1. I'm a parrothead and a big fan of Jimmy Buffett. 2. I understand that Jimmy is all about the dollars. 3. I have no feelings whatsoever about the Dolphins 3. This is the worst sell out ever....and it's only for a ONE YEAR deal!
5 Responses to "JImmy Buffett's Miami Dolphins Song"
Anonymous said :
May 10, 2009 at 4:44 PM
You know, I'm a big parrothead also, and I applaud Jimmie for his business acumen. So many artists can't make a dime, and Jimmie knows how to sell his brand. Just because he is a good marketer doesn't diminish his music and attitude. I wish I had half of his business sense.
Anonymous said :
May 11, 2009 at 12:56 PM
It's all about having fun. This isn't the first time, nor will it be the last that an artist's song is modified for one reason or another. I do think the lyrics need some work to make it more of a fight song. Right now ours is borrowed from the old Houston Oilers team. We need something that will annoy all those jet fans who hold countless spelling 101 classes throughout their games.
Anonymous said :
May 11, 2009 at 9:05 PM
There is no bigger dolphins fan than me u people need to loosen up and enjoy the dolphins. try experiencing some fun and sing along with the dolphins song
Anonymous said :
May 11, 2009 at 9:07 PM
How can u download the dolphins song
Anonymous said :
September 21, 2009 at 2:10 PM
the miami dolphin figt song was written and composed by Lee Ofman before the start of the 1972 undeafeted season and in it was featured that season as a good luck song. how'd that work out? the houston oiler(who abandoned houston) stole the song and changed some of the lyrics in 1979. So, the dolphins didnt borrow anything from the forgotten houston oilers who never even won a championship. get your facts straight.
By the way, Jimmy buffet is terrible, get him outta here please!!!

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