Tuesday, May 19, 2009

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Mailbag: More On The New York Mets Uniform Survey


Thanks again to Craig Carton for the shoutout on WFAN yesterday morning (tell Boomer I love him but he's welcome to come upstairs with me and sit behind some plexiglass before he calls me whiny)....the shoutout led to lots of new visitors.

The topic this time around - the uniform survey

How did you come across this survey? Is there any way to cast your vote or do they just send them out at games? Personally, I like the idea of an interlocking NY alternate, although the ones they have are not what I was hoping for. I think even better would be a snow white jersey that says "Metropolitans" on it. 

I'm not crazy about the Metropolitans idea since the nickname of the New York Metropolitan Baseball Club is Mets not Metropolitans....for the survey try here however I notice the URL has a custom tracker at the end so if everyone uses that link they may void it.   On the other hand, they'll probably notice that a lot of people care about this.  It went out to people who have had season tickets for several years as a Flushing Flash.  Not everyone got the survey.  

David writes:

I just heard about the Mets survey on uniforms. I don’t know if it’s too late to participate, but if you could add my thoughts to their survey, I would be grateful. As a long-time Mets fan, I’ve found the black uniforms so distasteful that it was hard for me to watch. Black may be fine for the Raiders and marketers, but please keep them off the Mets! I’m a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to these things – the home pin strips and road grays with old fashioned lettering – were what I grew up with and enjoyed the best. The Yankees do some things quite well – one is that they remember their traditions and honor them. One of those traditions is their uniform – home and away – you can always count on it

I can only agree with half of the next response:

Honoring the New York Giants is something that they are doing by donning black on the hats and jerseys but I love the Willie Mays idea! It's about time they should definitely do something cool like that. 

And only some of this one

Bring the blue jerseys back, keep the black jerseys and if your going to have orange jerseys once in a while then I'm game but keep the hats blue and the pants white! 

I like the next suggestion a lot...it would be a nice way to honor a long-time Met...not everything has to be about hall of fame numbers.  What do people think the Mets should name the bridge in center field?

Ed Kranepool Bridge. The guy has never received his due. Look at the numbers

Regarding the bridge in center, i suggested they knock it down and build a new one that looks like the one on the logo. 


Heard about your site on 660 this morning, Boomer and Carton. Craig mentioned it with relation to Mookie Wilson's complaint that the 86 Mets are not represented at the stadium enough (or barely at all?). I completely agree - but it's worse than that. Don't get me wrong I love the stadium, but it is so generic, one can barely tell whose home field it is. The exterior has some mini fuzzy black and white pics but I don't recall anything noticeable that says 'NY' or 'Mets'. On the inside there is what looks to be a tacky, minor league, laughable cardboard cut out under the diamondvision that in tiny letters says 'Let's Go Mets'. And where is the blue? How about a little blue? Not to mention the lack of history (outside of the Jackie Robinson rotunda which I am really pleased with, but let's face it - he's not a Met). Where are the 69 Mets? Clendenon, Jones, Agee, Hodges? I've only been once, so maybe I missed some things but from what I am hearing it seems others feel the same way. I would like to see the Mets organization put a little more of a Mets stamp on the stadium.

In the end I think it's great that the Mets are asking the fans what we want.  Even if my opinion comes out on the losing end of the black debate, the point of this blog has always been to be an advocate for the fans.   At the end of the day the Mets Police love our team and want nothing more than for them to win the World Series every year (while dressed in blue).

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