Sunday, May 17, 2009

(1) Comments

Mean Ushers At Yakee Stadium (Albany Times Union)


Interesting tid-bits from a writer for the Albany Times Union, writing about the moat.

When I tried to ask one of the employees about this lack of access, I found out a very interesting thing. All employees had been asked to sign a statement that they would not talk to the media, and he didn't want to do it because he had already had one friend whose supervisor had threatened to "write him up" for doing so on Opening Day.
At this point, the employee sounded more scared than evil, which got me to thinking: Is the mean usher really mean, or just afraid of losing his job if he doesn't enforce some awful policy?
The full article is here.

I too have found the ushers to be ridiculous.  When I went to the Cubs exhibition my seats were in 405.  As I carried a tray of dogs and beer the usher (who I had said hi to earlier) asked to see my ticket.   I asked him if he really thought I was trying to sneak into the last section of the upper deck with a 50 mile an hour wind in my face.

Two hours before a game if you try to take a picture of a five year old up close to the seats (and I mean the back of a field level section, not up against the moat) they chase you behind the yellow line.   I have found some nice guys who get it, but I've also found some sticklers.
1 Response to "Mean Ushers At Yakee Stadium (Albany Times Union)"
ABS said :
May 17, 2009 at 2:28 PM
Yankee ushers have always been nasty old pricks (as well as the Mets ones) - I wonder what their training is, does their supervisor tell them "fuck customer service and politeness, treat the paying fans lower than elephant dung"

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