Tuesday, May 12, 2009

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New York Yankees Don't Get It (Neil Best / Newsday)


I don't know how else to share this story without posting the whole thing....so everyone do the right thing and click the link and look at some ads on Newsday.  This is from Neil Best...

Yankees protect Legends Suite 'homes' from riffraff

Yankees COO Lonn Trost made it quite clear about an hour ago that the team has no current plans to reconsider its policy of not allowing fans into the Legends Suites area during batting practice to seek autographs or simply to get close to their heroes.


I asked him the rationale behind the policy. His blunt comment on that:


"Well, if you purchase a suite, do you want somebody in your suite? You purchase a home, do you want somebody in your home?''


So if you want a Yankee autograph, MOSFU.   (For the newbies, MOSFU is like an FU on steroids).


While we're Yankee bashing...here's another really positive piece:



Going to the field level seats for autographs?


Get lost, the security goons say to the real fans, the ones who helped make this new ode to "why do they hate us so much?" elitism possible.


Way too many ads, and an uninspiring out-of-town scoreboard.


Too many passionless "fans" in the best seats - those that are occupied anyway.


The homefield advantage the Yanks enjoyed across the street is going...going ...gone.


Somewhere the Red Sox and their most-championships-this-century are laughing.  In a 100 year old park.  The sun never sets on the British Empire, right?

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