Tuesday, June 02, 2009

(2) Comments

Make Some Noise. Woooooo Make Some Noise! Come On MAKE SOME NOISE

On Monday I write a column for Flushing University.  This was this week's rant.

As my Mets Police alter-ego continues to develop, I'm getting more and more people complaining to [I]me[/I] about the noise at Citi Field. There are two experiences in Flushing. The nice one is when the Mets are on defense. The PA announcer tells you who is batting, and the idiots that run the soundboard go take a leak and grab some more chicken fingers. But hoo-boy they are back when the Mets come up. The batters-choice music is particularly annoying this year. Luis Castillo seems to have gone out of his way to pick the most annoying music possible, and Sheffield isn't too far behind. Before I get called a racist or a rock-ist, let me tell you my favorite intro music this year is K-Rod's. I don't know what it's called or what type of music it is - but it's got a nice beat, it's uptempo, it's catchy, and oh yeah it's in Spanish. Why does there need to be music anyway? You often hear athletes tell you they don't hear the crowd. Does David Wright hit better because we play his song? He's hitting .571 at Dodger Stadium - let's find out what song THEY used. Whoever is in charge of the noise, let me assure you of something. "Now batting David Wright" will get us to cheer. So will a home run, a big hit, a nice play or a run scoring. We're not going to cheer because some idiot is being paid to play the video of the fake audio meter. We'll chant Lets Go Mets when we want to, or when cowbell man wants us to - not because someone with no clue for timing feels like we should start chanting now that there are two strikes. One fan emailed me on Friday night to say he was trying to enjoy the centerfield area with his young kids at around 6:30, but it was just too loud. I wonder how he felt 10 minutes later when the PA announcer ran off 10 minutes of 10 second commercials. Have you caught that yet? I guess some genius in the sales department gave every client "added value" (I bet they got "mentions in email blasts" too). The added value is worse than WCBS running off all the billboards at the start of the Yankees game. It's 6:30 and you're trying to enjoy the park and it's non-stop "hey need a ride home, call blah blah car service. Want to buy a sweatshirt? Go to so and so dot com. Want to buy a pie and throw it at someone in the soundbooth? Go to shutthehellup.com!" And so on.

Neither the Mets Police nor Flushing University condone buying a pie and throwing at Citi Field employees. Employees should be treated with respect at all times. Oh yeah, I don't know if it's being the 500 feet further northwest or what but the planes are more annoying at Citi than they ever were at Shea. Clap-clap-clap. Clap-clap-clap. Oh, I'm sorry, did you want to read more? I was just trying to get a cheer started. The Mets just got a two out walk, down 17 runs. Clap-clap-clap. Clap-clap-clap. Let's make some noise!!!!

2 Responses to "Make Some Noise. Woooooo Make Some Noise! Come On MAKE SOME NOISE"
Anonymous said :
June 2, 2009 at 11:07 AM

I was sitting in Left Field Landing and the loudspeakers were pouring it on, horrible. However, I also sat this weekend in the Promenade and it wasn't as bad, but of course duck and cover is not the point, nor are ear plugs the solution...

I think the problem is that NO ONE complains. What is the best way to complain?
Anonymous said :
June 2, 2009 at 5:47 PM
I couldn't stand how they turned Shea into one big commercial break over the years. It's not baseball, it's money grubbing owners. The experience listening on the radio - WFAN - is much worse now than just a couple of years ago. Unrelated to the new park, but most definitely related to the money grubbing Wilpons. The announcers, Rose and Hagan, now read commercials DURING at-bats. I first heard this on a Yankee radio broadcast a few years ago. "I'm glad they don't do that during Met games," was my reaction. I can't stand to listen to it anymore.

You know... Bernie Madoff never did anything to me personally. If I had a gripe against him, though, it would be that he didn't steal ENOUGH money from the Wilpons. Another hundred mil or so and maybe they would have been forced to sell.

This isn't your father's Mets. This isn't even my Mets anymore.

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