Monday, June 02, 2008

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No "Banner Day" at China Olympics

China has issued behavior guidelines for foreign visitors. There are a few reports trickling out on the internet, but only the Wall Street Journal version contains this language:

Inside Olympic venues, too, it is illegal to display "any religious, political, and ethnic slogans, banners, and other items"-- but the guidelines don't give any specific examples of what such items might be.

I'm not saying it's accurate or not, just that The Guardian and a chinese news source didn't mention that, and I haven't seen the release. But that's not that the point....

I'm troubled by: illegal to display "any religious, political, and ethnic slogans, banners, and other items

So I can't bring a "Go USA" sign? Can I wear a cross around my neck? A guy i know wears a small Christian symbol on his jacket - will he be jailed? What about someone from Cleveland bringing a "Go Tribe" pennant?

Here's where I saw it:

And what ever happened to Banner Day at Shea? Do they still have it? Maybe if a rainout forces a double-header they could send off Shea with one last solid Banner Day Doubleheader!
1 Response to "No "Banner Day" at China Olympics"
god googler said :
June 2, 2008 at 4:27 PM
Darn---I had my John 3:16 sign all ready too!

Quick what verse IS John 3:16?

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