Sunday, June 29, 2008

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The Sunday Column

The football Giants cannot compete in the current economic environment without Personal Seat Licenses.  If they don't jam up hardcore fans with a $20,000 tax, how can they possibly be epected to compete.   Giants Stadium is clearly falling apart and needed to be replaced as soon as possible.

I can't imagine where the Giants would ever be able to win a Super Bowl given their present financial stress.   If you are a true fan, get out the checkbook and send the Maras $20,000 asap.

The Mets are driving me crazy.   I'm not sure I can add anything that every other blogger and columnist can't - they win, they lose.   These last two losses are particularly maddening.  The scary part is that there's nobody to deal that would get you any value.    Maine is the only starting pitcher I trust, and he needs to get out of the 6th.

Meanwhile, The Rays are still only a half game out.   Last night they wore some bizarre "Jax. Red Caps" jerseys.

Let's Go Spain today against Germany in the Euros.   Regular readers of The Mets Police know we've been with them all along and aren't being trendy.

Interesting stuff I saw in the Ledger about teams switching from Little League to Cal Ripken League - among the advantages are that Cal allows continuous batting and free defensive substitutions.  The LL can take it self a little too seriously at times, and there is nothing worse for youth baseball than making 12 year olds cry on ESPN.

I'm a big fan of Liberal Bee Jays.   That's right, the Mets Police love minor league baseball, and Mike Hargrove is working for them.  Of all the crazy minor league nicknames this has to be the best.   No I'm not making this up.

Clearly this team was named after Hawkeye Pierce's second roommate.

Speaking of minor league ball - Uni Watch talks about the Myrtle Beach Pelicans having Beach Chair Seats.    That might be even more fun than rooting for the Bee Jay's.   The picture is huge and will slow down Mets Police loading so you're gonna have to click:

The Times is continuing this nonsense that it's so hard to travel and play baseball.  People do it every day, it's called a job.    We don't get a bus to the airport and a chartered flight, so let's calm down with this, swing a bat 4 times and stand in a park for a few hours, with 10 minute breaks on a park bench.  Oh and a multi-million dollar salary.  Stop.

Traveling Through Time Zones Can Take Toll on Teams


Published: June 29, 2008

A recent study by a Virginia neurologist suggests that teams that travel through three time zones before a game are more likely to lose.

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