Monday, June 30, 2008

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Uni Watch On Blue Uniforms


I hate doing this because it's an absolute lift from uniwatch, but I could never say it better.   Total props to uni watch, and please go visit uni watch.
Lots of stained sheets at Mets fans' homes on Friday, as the Amazin's wore blue caps, sleeves, and socks on the road for the first time in a decade, and holy shit did it look awesome. Equipment manager Charlie Samuels (aka "The guy who's to blame for the few remaining things in this world that aren't George Bush's fault") decided to trot out the blue gear to commemorate the team's final appearance at Yankee Stadium. But here's the thing: If you're going to look good for a special occasion, why not look good for every occasion? Blue Mets = true Mets!
Again that's  Sorry for the borrow, but this uniform thing is important!

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