Just back from a daygame at Yankee Stadium II. Took Little Miss Mets Police with me - and as we left I told her to take one last look around because she'll likely never be there again. Very strange and starting to get real.
It was also probably my last day game there, a notion that also struck me. I have a few tickets left including the final home game (thanks ESPN for making that 8:05).
Headed out to Monument Park - her first and last time there - and snapped some pics with the Babe, and I took one with Bob Sheppard.
Speaking of Shep - the pretape intro of Jeter just isn't working for me. I think part of the problem is that it sounds odd to continually say "now batting for the Yankees..." Maybe someone can make an edit that picks up with the word shortstop.
I think it would be better if they used Shep in the first inning only, and then let Jim Hall do the rest.
No truth to the rumor that A-Rod has asked Jim Hall to precord intros for him in case something happens to Hall.
From the mouths of babes:
Little Miss Mets Police noticed the two most popular players are Jeter and Rodrigez because those are the most common shirts.
She asked why (in pregame) they weren't wearing pinstripes. Then she asked why the "final season" logo looks like the new stadium not the present stadium. This kid might have a blog someday!
26 games to go until the Girardi/Hank/Jim Hall Yankees play in Just Another Stadium.
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