Tuesday, September 23, 2008

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Why The Yankees Didn't Mention Joe Torre

Joe Torre, the man who does not exist, was not mentioned at the closing ceremonies of Yankee Stadium.  Torre did not accomplish much with the Yankees and is not a significant part of Yankee history.

Oh you think I'm nuts?  Good call.

Here's all you need to know about why the Yankees ignored Torre.  The words of Hank Steinbrenner:

"Baseball went to a multidivision setup to create more races, rivalries and excitement. But it isn't fair. You see it this season, with plenty of people in the media pointing out that Joe Torre and the Dodgers are going to the playoffs while we're not.
"This is by no means a knock on Torre - let me make that clear-but look at the division they're in. If L.A. were in the AL East, it wouldn't be in the playoff discussion. The AL East is never weak."
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