Monday, March 09, 2009

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Amazin' Avenues Mets Announcer Tournament


An NCAA type tournament of Mets announcers.  
I think there's some McCarver bias here - he was probably the Mets best TV guy ever (don't judge him by his tired Fox work, back in the 80s this was all fresh) - TMac faces The Franchise in the first round.
Also they gave Ron Darling a bye - who the hell would vote for Fran Healy?
Where's Lorn Brown?
Fun stuff.
My picks for round one:
Murph over Ted Robinson
Rusty over Rose (because Howie lies about attendance)
Kiner over O'Brien
Keith over Zabriskie
Cohen over Jiggs
McCarver over 41
Gary Thorne (the good 1986 Mets version not the bad ESPN version) over Lindsey.  I never dug Lindsey.
Ron Darling over Fran Healy.
Silence over Fran Healy.
Nails on a chalkboard over Healy (and I don't mean Dykstra)
A cat screeching at 3am over Healy.

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