Monday, March 09, 2009

(2) Comments

New Yankee Stadium: Just Seems Wrong

Some of you will think this is just a Yankee hating post (to the contrary I'm surprised I don't get more grief for not hating the Yankees).

I was driving up the Harlem River Drive and looked across just seems wrong.

I can't put my finger on it - but that Stadium just seems like it should not have been built.  Maybe I'm sensing the ghosts.  Maybe I'm looking at the perfectly good Stadium right next to it.

All I keep hearing is Star Trek's Guinan saying "this isn't right" and Han Solo saying "I have a bad feeling about this."

Hey Yankees fans, I know y'all come by here sometimes - how do you feel about it?
2 Responses to "New Yankee Stadium: Just Seems Wrong"
Anonymous said :
April 4, 2009 at 11:11 PM
I'm a Yankee fan and I hate it. Very disappointed!
Sad Yankee Fan said :
April 16, 2009 at 1:11 AM
Met Fans, You have the better stadium. Those green seats make it more real and baseball like. It's more New York City. It's a true baseball park feel. Your place will rock in the playoffs! We sacrificed one of the great places you could ever be at for sports in our country. We now have a bogus theme park that could have been built on the Las Vegas Strip. Mr Wilpon really gave thought to old time baseball from his childhood in Brooklyn. The Yankees only cared about maximum earnings potential!

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