Wednesday, May 13, 2009

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2009: The Year The New York Yankees Handed The City To The New York Mets For Good

All empires crumble.

You just have to wait long enough.  Eventually the empire grows so large that it cannot sustain itself.

In 2009, the Yankees handed New York City over to the Mets for good.

Twice before New York has been Mets town.

In the late 60s and early 70s the Mets would well outdraw the Yanks.  New Yorkers liked the home grown team and the friendly Shea Stadium atmosphere more than they liked the crumbling Yankee Stadium and the aging team that no longer won.

In the late 1980's this was Mets town again.  There were a lot of front runners who liked to pretend they were life long Mets fans (I remember in 1989 hearing one guy brag about how he'd had season tickets "sincd 87!") but the team was more liked than the thousand managers Jack Clark, Dave Winfield, Rent A Pitcher Yankees  .
Only Vince Coleman could screw things up and hand the fans back to Stump Merrill.

Here in 2009 we are at the passing of the torch,

What the Yankees always had was the legacy.  Even in Yankee Stadium II you could lie to yourself and pretend that it was the same center field that DiMaggio patrolled, the same right field where Ruth stood.

Now the new place will be the stadium where Jeter played for four years when he was old and not as good.

All the memories are in the other building and the team is already 6.5 back.

You pick up a copy of Metro this morning and the headline is "Damn Yankees."  No it's not about a loss, it's a bout greed.   The story with the Yankees these days is always money.

I work with two Yankees fans.  Mr. Negative is done.  He went to the new stadium once and didn't like it.  He's been spotted at Citi Field a few times.   Mr. Sunshine is having what I call "Atari Pac-Man" syndrome.  he tries to convince me (and himself) every day that the stadium will grow on him, and that he'll come to like it.  His new seats "aren't bad."

Why do kids root for teams.  10% of them pick the team that's close to them, like I did with the horrible 1977 Mets that were 10 minutes from my house.  Most pick the winners, as evidenced by all the 40 year old and 20 year old Yankees fans, and all the 40 year old and 20 year old Cowboys fans.

Well this is going to be the 9th straight year without a World Series ring in the Bronx, so it's a fair fight with the kids.

You see a kid with a Yankee shirt its always Jeter.  Jeter will be gone soon.

Mets kids?  Lots of Wright and lots of Reyes.  Those two players have a lot of future left.   Soon you'll see Murphy shirts....and it's very early but I think Santos might become a starter and a fan favorite.

You want to go to a game?  Clearly Citi Field is the better option.   Fan friendlier, especially if you read Mets Police and know which seats to avoid, or you can go to the Bronx and eat lame hot dogs in the windy upper deck that looks unfinished.   (If you can afford seats downstairs I doubt you read my dopey blog).

Citi is easier to get to, and you don't have to leave in the 7th inning to avoid the insane "scan your ticket on the way out" system.   $19 to park in the Bronx is pre-planned to be $29 next year.

So stay home and watch the games on TV.  SNY is the best in the business.  YES is good, but they spend the entire home game showing you weird angles as they try to not-show the empty seats and to not show the game through a net.

The Mets are on their way to winning the division.   Yeah the starting pitching is shaky, but the Phillies pitching is worse.  The Yankees are on their way to another season of articles about payroll and greed and A-Rod and I bet a manager change before the leaves turn orange.

The kids will be Mets fans.   The rich will be Yankees fans until they realize that the Yankees don't win (see 1990s Knicks vs modern Knicks crowds to learn how that works).

The Mets will sell the ballpark, an advantage they haven't had since 1975.   The Yankees will sell memories which will contrast unfavorably with the cinderblock palace on the wrong side of the street.

Welcome to Mets Town.  I hope you Yankees fans enjoyed your run.
6 Responses to "2009: The Year The New York Yankees Handed The City To The New York Mets For Good"
Joe D. said :
May 13, 2009 at 10:49 AM
Hi, I recently started reading your blogs since I started Twittering a few weeks ago. Nice job on this one!

I just added you to my blog roll today, and hope you do the same.

Keep up the great work!
K. Yankees said :
May 13, 2009 at 12:09 PM
Don't be silly and naive New York will ALWAYS be a Yankees town. Will the Yankees make the playoffs, No. Will they finish in third place, most likely. However, keep in mind that they have been hit with so many injuries. This isn't an excuse but rather the truth. J. Damon is carrying the team, is that even possible? Anyway the Mets are in first for now...we'll see when Oct. 4, 2009 come along and the Astros, as the Marlins have done two years in a row, knock the Mets out of the playoffs and the Mets complete a third straight collapse. That my friend is the truth, and unfortunately the truth hurts.
Batman said :
May 14, 2009 at 10:39 AM
NYM fans are so stupid. It's funny they think a 1 game lead, in the weakest division in baseball (in May) actaully means something after the last 3 seasons. I know NYM fans are out of touch with reality, and mostly regarded as a joke throughout the country, but just to let you guys know, your team is medicore, your superstars are overrated, and your new hero, Murphy, is a .270 hitter and also the worst LF in the leauge. This is, and will always be, a NYY city and country.
Anonymous said :
May 15, 2009 at 12:48 AM
The Yankees will always be the more popular team. They were smart. They marketed their logo to the entire world. The Yankees logo is the symbol of NY. Rappers wear it and the kids love it. Hell I know met fans who wear yankee hats because they are stylish. I went to Ireland and all i saw were yankee hats. Some people didn't even know what the mets were. The one thing the yankees lack alot of are baseball fans.

People are gonna kill me for saying that but its true. Im sure some yankee fans love baseball but they packed the old stadium with people who thought it was fashionable to be a yankee fan.

To be a mets fan is torture. Having to hear yankee fans talking about the impending world series parade and it was only april. You would think to yourself cocky bastards and then they would win. Or losing the world series to the yankees and having to listen to yankee fans for an entire year screaming in your face the mets suck. Yet shea stadium kept getting good crowds after that. The mets were always up there in top 10 in attendance. Sure mets fans jumped ship afterwards but the majority didnt.

Now that the new stadiums are here. And the yankees priced out their fans. Were going to have to wait and see if the mets can maybe make that push they had in the 80's. Everything is in place to do this. Citi Field Prices are not bad for ballpark prices. First time I ever saw beer prices go down ever. Tickets prices will change with the economey.

I dont want people in france wearing mets hats. I dont care if people in another city are packing in cheering for the mets. What yankee fans dont understand is we dont need our team to win to love them. They think by saying mets suck that a met fan is going to say "Hey they do suck lets go cheer for those yankees"

So yankee fans enjoy owning the city. Us met fans will enjoy our nice new ball park in queens. Watching our mediocre stars hit 270.
There is nothing id rather do on a warm summer day then sit and watch the mets play. They might even win a game or 2 but I dont really care.
Anonymous said :
May 18, 2009 at 11:14 AM
"Dopey blog". Couldn't have said it better myself.
Anonymous said :
May 19, 2009 at 11:38 PM
Who cares if rappers wear Yankees hats. Is that something to brag about? I'm glad that they don't wear Mets hats. And any so called Mets fan that wears a Yankees hat is not really a Mets fan. Also who cares that you saw people in Ireland wearing Yankees hats. Very good points......NOT!

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