Saturday, May 16, 2009

(10) Comments

New York Mets Uniform Survey Part 1


You guys rock.  Mega thanks to the guy who tipped me off to all this and sent me the survey (I thanked you via email!)   I'm going to break this up into many parts because Mets Police is also Daddy and needs to run out the door...and it takes a while to resize the pictures etc.   Here is part one...   I'll include graphics where relevant and just give you the basic question where it is just text.

1.  How many tickets do you have and how do you rate youself as a fan (for example die-hard).

Page 2 asks which hat do you like better?

Page 3 asks which of these jerseys you prefer?

4.  Do you think the Mets should wear the pinstripe (home) jersey more often? Yes/No/No opinion

5.  How often should the Mets wear the pinstripe (home) jerseys?
a) All home games
b) saturday & Sunday home games
c) once per series
d) Sunday home games
e) no opinion

6.  Do you think the Mets should wear the white (home) jersey more often?  Yes/No/No opinion

7.  Do you think the Mets should keep the black jersey?  Yes/No/No opinion

8.  Slide 8 is phrased really interestingly.  I don't know if it was positioned this way because I selected NO to #7.  I have included a screen capture on the left but I doubt you can make it out.

Why do you think the Mets should not keep the black jersey?
a)  Black is not one of the Mets colors
b)  I don't like the color black
c)  Black is not part of the Mets history
d)  It doesn't look good on the field
e)  It's time for a change
f)  Other (specify)

9.  The next section will compare jerseys to see which you prefer - the one on the left, the one on the right, "I don't like either one" or no opinion.

So for me, I don't like the NY because its Yankee like but at least it isn't black - devil's choice but I stuck to my guns and said I don't like either one.

The survey continues here.
10 Responses to "New York Mets Uniform Survey Part 1"
Anonymous said :
May 16, 2009 at 10:30 AM
Hopefully our fans that were asked did the right thing let the Mets know that black is not a Mets color ... Blue hats ONLY, traditional Mets pinstripes .... get rid of that black shading behind the letters .. on the road, the greys are fine, but I would love to see the old greys without any black shading ... ... also, can we paint the outfield wall blue please?
Sean said :
May 16, 2009 at 4:42 PM
I love that they sent this out, but they just need to simplify. One hat - blue. One road uniform - traditional grey. I am a fan of the snow white home, so I would give them the option of having that and the pinstripe in whatever proportion they want. But most importantly NO BLACK ANYWHERE, including all of the shading on both the home and road jerseys. That's it. All of those other goofy options should not be on the table.

As I've said before, they can sell all of that garbage in the stores but just don't wear it on the field. People will buy it plenty.
Mucho Macho said :
May 18, 2009 at 2:03 AM
THESE NEW UNIFORM CONCEPTS ARE UGLY! And the Met colors are black! They are honoring the formerly baseball New York Giants by wearing it!!!

Keep the Uniforms the way they are otherwise bring the 1983 blue jerseys back!!
Anonymous said :
May 18, 2009 at 5:11 PM
How did you come across this survey? Is there any way to cast your vote or do they just send them out at games? Personally, I like the idea of an interlocking NY alternate, although the ones they have are not what I was hoping for. I think even better would be a snow white jersey that says "Metropolitans" on it.
Anonymous said :
May 19, 2009 at 12:12 AM
no no no no .... mucho you're kidding right? the mets already honored the giants with the orange ... there was no black until the late 90's ... im happy to see most real mets fans think that the black has to go - no interlocking NY, no "metropolitans" uniforms (please no) and no sleeveless please ...
... "...All the fans are true to the orange and blue, So hurry up and come on down .."
- Meet the Mets (1964)
Anonymous said :
May 19, 2009 at 7:34 PM
Pinstripes at home ALL the time.

Traditional road grays.

NO black whatsoever in Any situation, including shading.

Please God, NO blue outfield wall!!!!!!
That would be beyond Horrible.
Anonymous said :
May 19, 2009 at 11:32 PM
For home games: snow white uniforms or pinstripes and blue hats always!

For road games: grey always. Blue hats for day games and black/blue hats for night games.

john said :
August 24, 2009 at 4:36 AM
Get rid of those horrid black uniforms please!!
Anonymous said :
September 30, 2009 at 12:12 PM
i'm a yankee fan but the mets need to go back to the uniform of the 1969-1973 years. this black on the uniform is garbage, along with the drop shadow on everything. it doesn't feel like the 'mets' wtih what they've been wearing; they look like every other team. bring back some tradition to this team! and don't get me started about citi filed name-it should be shea!!!
Anonymous said :
October 6, 2009 at 11:05 PM
I don't mind the name. We don't want to be reminded of Shea, it was such a craphole.

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