Monday, September 14, 2009

(2) Comments

AFL Throwback Jerseys Look Better Than Their Modern Counterparts


The Patriots look better in red, with the minuteman guy on the helmet.

The Bills look better although the Bill on the helmet looks better in the modern version.

The powder blue Chargers jerseys rock, I think everyone agrees.

And to contradict myself - the Jets look better in the Klecko/Gastineau greens than these Namath jerseys and helmets.

Why are they doing this this year - shouldn't they do it next year?   Like wouldn't you celebrate the 1986 Mets in 2026 not 2025?  Well the Mets will be on Mercury by then so that may be a bad example.

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2 Responses to "AFL Throwback Jerseys Look Better Than Their Modern Counterparts"
jmp said :
September 14, 2009 at 10:36 PM
This is the correct year for the NFL to celebrate the AFL. It's the 50th season for the original AFL teams, just as the Mets had shoulder patches to celebrate the team's 25th season in 1986.

After all, 1960 was the first season for the AFL, not the zero season...
Anonymous said :
September 15, 2009 at 9:34 AM
Yes, the return of Pat Patriot and the red Boston Pats jerseys is cool. Reminds me when Steve Grogan and John Hannah used to pound the Jets into the ground each year. And you're right - can't go wrong with the powder blue Bolts. Or the simple Bills of O. James Simpson. Miss the Oilers.
Unfortunate thing about the throwbacks - the Jetsies are already wearing theirs ... the Namath era jerseys ... so we get the worst stuff ever - the blue-and-gold Titans of New York, the team that played in the Polo Grounds to apx. 10000 fans ... as the famous quote goes - most of those fans disguised as empty seats ... kinda like "I'm Calling it Shea" this time of year, eh?

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