Saturday, September 12, 2009

(2) Comments

New York Mets Keith and Mookie Are Down With The Count

I have to go coach soccer so I'm handing the keys to JMP for this guest post....

And while we're on the subject of videos, they used to play this one at Shea from about 1:20 into it on to right before the last line. Whenever they played it while the Mets were on a bad run, I'd always respond by yelling out the real last line, rather than "Let's Go Mets." I think they should bring it back, but with a more generous edit. I'd love nothing more than to see thousands of people at Citi Field all yelling that in unison. God knows we're all thinking it:

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2 Responses to "New York Mets Keith and Mookie Are Down With The Count"
Anonymous said :
September 12, 2009 at 10:43 AM
This version of the Mets is probably too cheap to pay the rights fees for usage of the clip.
DyHrdMET said :
September 13, 2009 at 12:11 AM
oh, i haven't seen the Sesame Street clip in a long time.

the other one, I wrote something on it a couple months ago thinking it could lead to mutiny from the fan base. bad that ownership felt that even the little things from Shea couldn't be carried over.

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