As excited as I am to have the first pictures of the new Mets jersey out-in-the-wild, and before Mrs. Mets Police asks what I'm doing on "the computer all day", here's another response to the 5 Questions. If you're new to Mets Police we've been working this in a few times a day around the normal items...will do a few today and all weekend.
First up on Ditch The Black Friday is Sparks.
1. When did you start following the Mets?
I watched and rooted for them in the '86 Series, but I didn't actually begin following them until mid-'87, when they faced the huge deficit coming out of the All-Star Break and stormed back to take the division race down to the final week.
2. What is your favorite Mets memory?
Darryl Stawberry's game-winning HR in the bottom of the 10th against the Cardinals in 1988. I was listening to the game from my bedroom in South Louisiana on KMOX St. Louis. Straw hit that ball, and instantly--despite the broadcast emanating from Queens and arriving on AM radio via St. Louis--I knew the ball was gone just from the sound it made. I know better, but I would've sworn my speakers shook. Jack Buck's call of "Swing, and a home run!" (just like that, with practically no hesitation) remains etched into my brain to this day.
3. What is your worst Mets memory or experience?
I'm going to have declare a tie between two moments in the '88 NLDS: Scioscia's HR off of Gooden in Game 4, and that horrid 2nd inning of Game 7. The former was deflating, the latter was enraging. Even the '07 crash doesn't compare because that at least happened over time and one was able to see it coming. The Scioscia HR happened in an instant, and I can show you the very spot I was standing in my parent's house when it happened. The bad inning happened in what seemed like the blink of an eye, and I didn't even watch the middle innings I was so mad. Both were just quick, hard kicks in the stomach.
4. If you could change one off-field thing about the franchise what would it be?
I'd give it competent ownership that actually views the team as a sports franchise and not just another investment.
5. If you owned the team starting tomorrow, what is the first thing you would change?
Omar Minaya would be relieved of his current duties.
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