Here's another round of the 5 Questions For Average Mets Fans...
The questions are:
1. When did you start following the Mets?
2. What is your favorite Mets memory?
3. What is your worst Mets memory or experience?
4. If you could change one off-field thing about the franchise what would it be?
5. If you owned the team starting tomorrow, what is the first thing you would change?
Here's Christopher (#38)
1. 1992 after watching the Mets beat the Yankees in an exhibition game at Shea
2. Being at Mike Hampton's complete game in the 2000 NLCS to clinch a trip to the World Series
3. I never want to experience the pain of September 30, 2007 again.
4. Ownership.....the Wilpons refuse to listen to the fans and seem content with sub par results year in and year out.
5. How the organization scouts, drafts, and runs its farm system.
Jimmy the Mets Fan (#39)
1962. Eight Years Old
Favorite Memory:
Spending time with my sons on Tuesday nights at Shea in April against
bad teams, surrounded by other die hards. 12,000 real fans are more fun
than 35,000 transients there for the hamburgers.
Worst Memory:
Tie......Tom (I'm Not Devastated) Glavine in the first inning on the last day of
the season. The ancient history answer is the Seaver trade to Cincinnati.
Change One Thing:
Get Hot Fudge in the Carvel stand in the Pepsi Porch. Sprinkles are nice,
but they don't quite make it. Seriously, I would tone down the "Noise-O-Meters"
and the "Everybody Clap Your Hands" nonsense. The sound system has squashed
more genuine Let's Go Met's chants with the "Boom-Boom-Smash" sound effects than
I care to remember.
First Thing to Change:
I would try to rid the team of players who are just punching the clock. The current
team has too many "Don't Worry, Be Happy....I'll catch the next ground ball" types.
And #40, Michael
#1 i started seriously following the mets in first game was in 1964 my folks took us to see a game while we were at the fair.
#2 my favorite memory has to be the 1973 playoff game between red and mets when rose and Harrelson got into there fight. i was sitting with my mother on the third base lodge reserved area. my mothers friend had some sort of pull and got us these great seats. i cut school to go. every met fan knows what happened but my memory is the one of seaver, mays and berra walking out to left field and pleading with the crowd in the upper deck to stop throwing items at rose or the game would be forfeited to the reds.
#3 my worst and saddest memory is seaver being traded in '77. i was in 11th grade and it really hurt me to see him go. i was very upset. i think the only thing that made me more upset was 3 years later when Lennon was killed.
#4 a change i would like to see is Doubleday buying back the team and building a new shea stadium. okay that's my fantasy change. seriously i would like to see the wilpons being more dedicated to there property (the mets) not only doing what it takes to put a winner on the field but turning citi mall i mean field into more of a mets oriented stadium experience.
#5 if i owned the team i would build a statue of seaver and plant it in the front. i would change the robinson rotunda to the hodges rotunda. i would do away with the crazy uniforms. i would be more fan friendly maybe bring back the great theme days i enjoyed as a kid (banner day, camera day etc etc)
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