If you like what we do around here...we're nothing compared to the king. Go check out
Uni Watch for a great ripjob on the new unis.
Here's a taste:
Let these facts be submitted to a candid world: There’s been the endless procession of alternate caps; the miserable black alternate jerseys; the pointless addition of black drop shadows to everything; the shunting aside of blue as a team color, especially on the road uniform; the wearing of the road cap at home; the near-disappearance of the home pinstripes; the removal of the “NY” from the skyline logo; the needless imposition of a black skyline logo; the worst stadium-opening sleeve patch in MLB history; and on and on.
Fired up?
Go read!!
Update: Lets you think you and I are alone in this fight...read the
comments section of the Uni Watch article. The Mets are getting killed, as always.
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