I just got my renewal letter and invoice from the Mets. Here are the low lights:
- "Saturday" and "Sunday" plans have been renamed to "Saturday-Plus" and "Sunday-Plus" plans (as have the Friday and Weekend plans). We've only been pointing this out for the last year!
- Five weekday games are still part of every plan
- My seats were for the Weekday-Plus Plan in Promenade Reserve Infield. They reduced my seats by $20 each for the full plan - a 5.6% decrease over last season
- There is no offer or mention of upgrading my seat selection
- Full payment is due by December 18th. HOWEVER, if you want to split your payments they are now allowing you to do that if you pay online via credit card.
- Included with the invoice was a photo copy of the 2010 schedule.
Will post the full plans soon
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