Tuesday, May 12, 2009

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New Yankee Stadium Is A Bronx Bomb (Mulshine)

I wonder if deep down the Yankees realize that they messed up?   Sure Citi Field has a large obstructed view problem, but for the most part people love it (Mets Police included).

As for New Yankee stadium, I have yet to read one "this place is great" article since the first wave of emotion following the first Cubs exhibition.  At best I hear "it's OK" and "I'm getting used to it."

I wish there were blogs in 1976 to see what people were saying then.  Any old timers out there care to share?

Anyways...here's another article about being disappointed , this time from the Star Ledger.

My first impression of the new stadium was that it looked like the old stadium. I realize I was supposed to be impressed, but once inside I couldn't help but notice that our $100 seats a few rows up behind third base offered pretty much the same view of the field as the $30 seats I had last time I'd visited the stadium.
My buddy Rich got up to get a couple beers. He came back with just one. "They asked me for two IDs to get two beers," Rich said. Huh? Like me, Rich is in his 50s and looks it. But even if he had looked 21, what would be the point of showing a second ID for someone who was every bit as invisible as those fans in the seats behind home plate?
And then there was the price of the beer: $11 for a 16-ouncer. The Steinbrenners were trying to tell me and Rich something. And that something was: Why not go to a Phillies game?
The following weekend we did. My brother-in-law Marty had scored us some $20 seats. The drive to Citizens Bank Park took the same time as the drive to the Bronx, no computers necessary. We pulled into a parking lot with a full tailgating scene featuring barbecues and beer kegs, something inconceivable in uptight New York City.
Once inside, we realized that our seats weren't that great. But what did we expect for 20 bucks? We expected beer, something you can't buy in the cheap seats in the Bronx. In Philly, it was a mere $6.75 for a 16-ouncer. Plus, they had the common sense not to proof us old guys. 

Full article here.

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