Sunday, May 24, 2009

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Some New York Mets Blogs You Should Check Out


Here's a look around the blogoverse...mostly Mets sites, but a few other things you may find to be pretty cool.  It's a mix of big sites, small sites, sites tied to traditional media.   Since Mets Police has started we've gotten a few links from bigger sites which were and are tremendously appreciated...and as Mets Police gets bigger I'm happy to help anyone that we can.

In no particular order and with apologies in advance of I leave off anyone who has been good to us....

Mets Walkoffs and Other Minutiae:  I love this site.  I've never met this guy but he's always good to get back to me quickly when I need information like "How many times did John Pacella's hat fall off in that game against the Pirates?"   On Friday it was a list of 99 players who played for the Mets and Red Sox.  Every time I go there I wonder, "Who knows this stuff?"

Centerfield Maz.  Maz writes what my friend Tony used to call "scorecard stories."   Maz is more likely to post about the day Ed Kranepool went two for four than he is about last night's game.   Good retro site that lets us borrow entire articles when we can't think of anything to write....or when faking-the-blog on a holiday weekend.

Bitter Bill: one of the sports blogs on the Daily News website.  Bill has a good tone that's a mix of "Joe Fan" and professional sports-writing.  Anyone who calls Jeremy reed "Baba Booey" is riding the fence just right.  Bill writes as if he is one blown save from killing himself.

Mets Blog; you probably know about this one.  The biggest one, the grandaddy of them all, and with ties to SNY a good source of official information without being propaganda the way is   I've become a fan of "the least you should know" which is a quicky game recap that will let you bluff some water cooler talk with your friends if you missed the game.

Amazin' Avenue is another biggie.  They seem to enjoy razzing Mets Blog but I stay out of all that stuff.   I'm a big fan of their daily Applesauce links, and if you're lucky enough to get them to link to your blog on Applesauce you see your traffic go way up.

Always Amazin'  is the Mets blog on    A nice mix of news, opinion and a healthy dose of links.  I'll bet if you live east of the Hudson that this is off your radar.  Bookmark it.

The Kranepool Society.  Another biggie that will move the numbers if they link to you.  Plus they know who Ed Kranepool is, which should be one of the questions you need to answer to enter Citi Field.

Uni Watch.   If you like our complaining about uniforms, this takes it to an entirely different level.

New Stadium Insider - a Yankee blog but my vote for blog of the year.  Some people have called NSI the "cousins" to the MP.  They write about the same kinds of things that we do (just Yankees-centric) like obstructed seats and annoying owners.   Even if you don't care about the Yankees it is worth visiting them every day.   Extra credit for live-streaming video from the Citi Field exhibition games.

Flushing 9:  Imagine if there were a newspaper (like the old "National") that did nothing but cover the Mets.  Nice layout and not as "bloggy" as some sites including mine.

Flushing University:  another magaziney blog...each day there is a featured column from a different writer, and I am the Monday columnist.

Checked Swing:  "A Frequently Irreverent Look At Baseball From A British Fan."  Thomas is a frequent commenter here on MP and knows his stuff.

Faith and Fear In Flushing.   He got a book deal.  That alone deserves respect.

Never Forget 69   This one was off my radar, so I'm glad I asked people to send in links.  A nice back and forth of a recap from the most recent '09 game and the same-date game in 1969.

The 'Ropolitans. Oh to be young again.  Steady content from a guy who I think is still in college.  Often love blogs the weekday day games which is fun while at work.

On The Black   He's promised me he's changing the color scheme, but I've linked to his videos in the past.  Another blog I'm under-familiar with but happy to include.

Section Six: is pretty upset about the LF overhang.   I like miltant Mets fans.

Remembering Shea: thorough site from a die-hard.   Keeps up on the other blogs a little better than I do (darn "real job.")

Subway Squawkers:  A Mets fan and a Yankees fan fight.  'Nuff said!

Phil Mushnick The granddaddy of complaining and calling people on the carpet.   Our hero.  Even was the first one to complain about black uniforms, well before the Mets had their own.

Neil Best  writes "Watchdog" for Newsday.  I find myself linking to him often and hopefully Cablevision won't put behind a 50 foot wall known as subscription.

NY Post Mets Blog  it gets confusing sometimes because google lists the Post's site as mets blog (not to be confused with the Mets Blog mentioned above) but there's good stuff in here all the time.

LoHud Yankees Blog - probably the "Mets Blog" of Yankeedom.

Scott Proctor's Arm .   Another Yankees blog...but another blog that posts obstructed views, so I dig it.

Again, apologies in advance.  I probably left someone out.  I'm writing this Saturday while flipping burgers before Springsteen so I can put the blog on autopilot for the morning.    I'll do this again July 4th weekend so I can hit the beach, so if you'd like to be listed next time hit me up at
3 Responses to "Some New York Mets Blogs You Should Check Out"
May 27, 2009 at 12:30 PM
Thanks for the link and kind words Shannon
June 12, 2009 at 12:15 PM
Thanks for the link....I'm not that militant....
June 12, 2009 at 12:16 PM
I'm not militant, just a passionate Mets fan. Thanks for the link.

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