Sunday, May 24, 2009

(3) Comments

Struggling Through Another New York Yankees Game With John Sterling

Nothing groundbreaking here, but the Mets 1:30 start followed by a rain delay resulted in my sampling the Yankees more than I had planned - and just like last Sunday, Sterling is embarrassing.

I tuned in to hear some sort of play.  I'm still not sure what happened.  Sterling told me that he was waiting to see who threw the ball back in to see who caught it.  Damon did.  I guess Damon and Cabrera ran into each other?  I don't know or I would tell you.   John didn't tell you either.

Here are the three things that Sterling needs to do as part of his job.

1.  Get all the commercials in.   Don't kid yourself, the money is king.   He better tell you about the 15th batter of the game or someone doesn't write a check.  

2.  Now that the commercials are in, the second most important part of Sterling's job is to be the PR machine for the Yankees.  He (and Kay on TV) often tell me how the Yankees can win the game in this next half inning.   Today he told me that the Yankees were looking to go 9 and 1 on the homestand.   I guess that's true...they were probably looking to go 10 and 0 and 162 and 0 at various points this season.  My problem with it was that the score was 0-0, it wasn't like they were up 5 with two outs to go.

3.  The part of the job Sterling ignores is the part where he watches the game and tells us what is happening.  Waiting to see who throws the ball back in?   What were you doing during the play?

I also wonder who he was talking today when he missed the cough button and yelled "it takes forever!"  Mad at the umpire?  Your chicken fingers?   He then fake coughed for about 10 seconds before Suzyn jumped in with something else.
3 Responses to "Struggling Through Another New York Yankees Game With John Sterling"
DyHrdMET said :
May 24, 2009 at 7:27 PM
i have no sympathy for people who intentionally listen to John Sterling. he would probably be better served on TV doing play-by-play because at least there, the audience wouldn't be left in the dark.
Anonymous said :
May 24, 2009 at 9:37 PM
That was a pretty hilarious account. Sterling is really such an atrocious announcer, and Suzyn is no better. They might as well take over Bob Sheperd's job reading names over the PA system, that's all they can get close to right anyway. They'd be recognized instantly and could still get in their Geico spots.
Anonymous said :
May 25, 2009 at 10:07 AM
I'm surprised the Yankees would allow such aweful play by play anouncers to do their broadcasats, especially considering that they try to be better than everyone else in everything. Sterling is horrible. Has someone told him this????

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