Tuesday, June 02, 2009

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Yahoo Sports Is Killing New Yankee Stadium

Yahoo Sports is one of the most read websites every day - so I'm sure that the Yankees are thrilled that they are being killed.
Here's the story and here's an excerpt:

But the Yankees? There are serious questions about why the home of the most decorated team in sports is playing like a Little League field. This isn’t some non-issue, and it’s not going away. Players think it’s crazy. Executives think it’s crazy. Fans think it’s crazy. There must be an explanation for how this happened. Something went wrong somewhere, and the Yankees will remedy it.

“I understand your point,” McGillion emailed, “but we are not going to comment.”

Much of Rybarczyk’s findings center on the new Yankee Stadium’s dimensions. The Yankees continue to say publicly that they are the same as the old stadium. Rybarczyk argues otherwise, using modeling software to show that the fences in right field and right-center field are four feet closer than the House That Ruth Built – and 17 feet closer than the average fences on the right side of other ballparks. The left and left-center fences, Rybarczyk said, were moved in three feet. The Yankees did push the center-field fence back 3½ feet, though only 11 percent of home runs land there, so it doesn’t exactly offset the launching-pad effects of the gaps and lines.

Wow there's so much here.  That's just a small taste.  You have to read the whole thing.

Maybe New Stadium Insider will stop being the only person who thinks New Yankee is better than Citi Field.  You guys have a lemon, and will have a lemon until 2070.

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