Friday, July 18, 2008

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The Former Franchise

"I appreciate the historical significance of the All-Star Game and Yankee Stadium," Seaver said. "I got my 300th win there. But I'm not retired. I just put in a new section of my vineyard in California. As much as I wanted to be there, I just couldn't get away."

I hereby release Tom Seaver from any and all obligations to anything related to the New York Mets or their fans.

Keith Hernandez is hereby given all rights and responsibilities related to being the Greatest Hero Of Them All.

Let us have a ceremony, cheer The Captain, and retire #17 once and for all.

When Tom is done with his new vineyard he can go to Reds games.

1 Response to "The Former Franchise"
Anonymous said :
July 18, 2008 at 10:05 AM
He couldn't get away for 1 lousy day. Fine, with travel it's 3 days. Meanwhile, Willie McCovey, who can barely stand, not only makes it but stands up when introduced.
Way to show your true side there George.
I grew up a huge Seaver fan. I was at Yankee Stadium for win #300 AND I went to his HOF induction. Sure he's been a bit of a prick from time to time but never to this extent. Guess now that he has his vinyard we don't matter anymore.
Think I can get a Koosman jersey somewhere?

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