Tuesday, July 22, 2008

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Michael Kay Doesn't Care About You Either (Giants PSLs)

Nice to hear Kay forget from where he came. Today he spent part of his show sticking up for the Giants and personal seat licenses.

Kay of all people should understand that sports means so much more to the people of a city than being a business.

If it's just a business then let the Giants pay for their own access roads. Let the Giants pay for extra police on gamedays.

Michael, when's the last time you paid for a ticket? I'm sure you have had no problem getting into any sporting event for two decades now going back to your sportswriter days.

See if you can remember your former self. I don't know your background but I'll guess you don't come from money. Think back to Daddy Kay saving some money to take you to a Yankee game. I bet the old man didn't have a few extra thousand bucks for a PSL when he sent you to Fordham.

It's easy to forget where you came from when sitting in the pressbox.

It's even easier to forget your fans when you're a millionaire's son Tim.

Shame on you Giants.

Shame on you Michael Kay.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
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