Tuesday, July 22, 2008

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Yankees Security Slightly Less Ridculous

ESPN reports the Yankees have "lifted a ban on plastic containers of sunscreen at their ballpark after deciding "not to be as stringent," team spokesman Jason Zillo said Tuesday.

Whew, the great terrorist sunscreen threat seems to have been reduced to code blue.

I wonder if the terrorists are still sneaking things in under baseball caps?  The Yankees make you remove your cap before enterting the stadium - you know, because why would any normal thinking person think they could wear a Yankees cap to Yankee Stadium.

Of course while checking the caps, making us show our cellphones (another uncommon item) and forbidding bags, they may often miss the guns, knives and shoe bombs being snuck in in plain sight.

One day, perhaps at Yankee Stadium III, the Yankees will allow their customers to bring a bag.  I know it's crazy to think that someone would need to bring a bag to Yankee Stadium.   It's not like anyone comes after work for a night game, or might bring a child and thus a need to bring a few extra items.

Nope, it's best we keep the bags out.  I feel safe now that they've checked my cellphone and missed the blackberry I chose not to show them.    

For the record, the Mets allow sunscreen and bags....and trust that you don't have a bomb under your cap.
3 Responses to "Yankees Security Slightly Less Ridculous"
July 22, 2008 at 4:54 PM

I was in Cincinnati during the weekend, and I was able to bring in backpack with food and a water bottle -- and sunscreen, too.
SS said :
July 22, 2008 at 9:25 PM
It's all very silly. I'm sure if The Joker wants to get us with laughing gas he will figure out a way.
SS said :
July 23, 2008 at 6:29 PM
Went there today and they didn't make me lift my hat. Progress!!

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