Monday, September 29, 2008

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The Mets do the impossible...............


No, not blow it again for the second consecutive season......

The ceremony after the game actually made me for a few minutes forget the horror show out there this afternoon.

I guess the Mets decided to cut me and Mets Police's 'complainometer' off at the legs by reading the names of people who they invited but DIDN'T come. So when tomorrow people ask 'where was Mookie' they can say 'we invited him'.

Nice to see the guys we want to see, Seaver, Hernandez, Piazza etc. But there were great surprise guys there.

George 'The Stork' Theodore!!!
Doug Flynn!
Craig Swan!!
Frank Thomas? How confused were about half the crowd when an enormous black dude didn't walk out.

And if there is any doubt after today about what hat Mike Piazza is wearing in 5 years on the plaque you just aren't paying attention.

The game

4 hits??
Schoenweiss?? can we admit that the Schoenweiss era is over?
5 runs in 3 games over the weekend - disgraceful

Actually the pen isn't to blame this weekend, its just a convenient target.

I disagree with Mets Police - Jerry needs to go. We all watched them get off to a bad start this year and that finished Willie- what happens if this happens again next year with a bunch of new faces that haven't 'meshed' yet. Do we fire Jerry too? How many ex-managers can you pay at one time?

Clean slate. New message needs to be put out there.

Hey Fred, looks like you're getting that Dodger team you crave - the one that broke their fans hearts every year.

1946 - lose NL pennant in playoff to St. Louis
1947 - lose World Series to NYY
1949 - lose WS to NYY
1950 - eliminated last day by Phils
1951 - lose 3rd game of NL playoff on Bobby Thomson 'shot heard round the world'
1952 - lose WS to NYY
1953 - lose WS to NYY
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