Monday, September 29, 2008

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Shea Closing Ceremony - All In All Well Done

Really was not in a mood to write a lot last night but here are my thoughts
  1. In retrospect doing the ceremony postgame was perfect. The last game was played, now it's time to close it up and turn off the lights.
  2. I had no problem with Mr. Met pulling down the last number. But exposing a corporate logo for Corporate Field was HORRIBLE. Really was my biggest quibble with the ceremony
  3. I was shocked to see Willie there. Given how bitter he's become in his old age (not a recent thing apparently - just read a Buck O'Neill book and Willie's been feeling it for a few years) I never thought he woudl be there. Seeing him was one of the bigger thrills of the day for me - as I have said, he was one of the first Mets I remember cheering for.
  4. Yogi. He closed 2 stadiums in 8 days. Saw a bunch of the other players coming over to him and Willie on the field.
  5. George Foster? Yeah he was their first big free agent signing but was he ever really considered a Met? And after the crap he pulled in 86 (all the racist stuff) I was shocked that he was there.
  6. GREAT job bringing Wally Backman back. I think this was his first appearance at anything MLB related since his troubles in AZ. He has been a pariah and it really was great to see him. Now they need to hire him tomanage Buffalo
  7. Doc. Was great to see him. Some people in the stands were saying the Mets put up the $$ to get him out of jail for the ceremony and he is going back today. I got a pic of him and Darling coming together around 2nd base and hugging. That was a cool moment.
  8. All the 70's Mets - Wow, my childhood was back. I know most of the crowd was cheering guys like Ventura and Alfonzo from the 90's version, but some of my biggest cheers were for Swan and Flynn
  9. Touching Home. THAT was very very cool I thought - especially how different guys approached it. Loved Bud running anc jumping on the plate. A few kissed their hand and touched it which was nice. Piazza and Sever the last to touch was appropriate.
  10. Seaver throwing to Piazza. Tom going right up on the mound and Mike going into a crouch - chills. Being able to see Seaver throw one last pitch (even though it sucked) off the mound was pure bliss. I admit I got teary eyed (rip me if you want)
  11. Walking towards CF as the lights started going out - I can't think of a better way to have closed the ballpark.
  12. Players not there mentioned up front - why not show their pics and some video on DiamondVision?
  13. Pete Flynn - nice to honor him
  14. Oversights: Biggest one was Bobby V. Is he the Mets Torre? And why not mention Torre for that matter? Other players I would have liked to have seen mentioned: Gary Gentry, Skip Lockwood, Neil Allen, Steve Henderson, Benny Agbayani, Roger McDowell
  15. Keith leaning was classic - perfectly in character
  16. Bud running in was also great - sums up his personality
  17. Current players - apparently they were told by management not to go out is what I am hearing
  18. Would have liked to have heard Seaver say something but s'ok that he didn't
  19. Also thought it would have been cool to have a last sing-along of Meet The Mets

All in all it was a great way to say goodbye. I attended last week's finale at Yankee Stadium and the differences between the 2 couldn't have been more striking or more appropriate to what each place was. The Yankee Stadium finale was befitting of a coliseum - awesome in it's splendor, honoring gods of the diamond. Shea doesn't have gods - Shea has had players. Shea's closing really felt warmer and more like saying goodbye to an old friend - again, perfect for the place.

It may have been a dump, but it was our dump. Goodbye old friend, you will be missed.

1 Response to "Shea Closing Ceremony - All In All Well Done"
Coop said :
September 30, 2008 at 11:33 AM
This was great, and I couldn't have said it better than that. I was also disappointed in the perceived slight of Bobby V - and why no Hendu? He provided some of the greatest thrills and probably the reason I am a Mets fan (walk off).

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