Saturday, September 27, 2008

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Mets Police and 6,000 Others Don't Show Up At Shea

Paid attendance last night of 49,545.

Final weekend of the stadium.

Pennant race.

I wasn't there either.

Now for me, I'd rather watch the game on HD than sit in rainy dreary Shea in the cold, and I don't live next door to Shea like I once did - but I think it's a fair criticism from the blogs who are saying we're lame fans.

Even Tom Seaver showed up.

Unfortunately, the Mets offense and bullpen declined to show, and tomorrow is gearing up to be BooFest 2008. It will be like BooFest 2007 but twice as loud. I hope Omar Minaya enjoys his four year contract extension. Well earned Omar.

They are insane if they don't bring Jerry Manuel back. Even as leader of Lee Mazzilli Nation, I can't see someone doing a better job than Jerry. He's been fielding a AA team most nights.

Hooray for The Ace in demanding the ball today. You will the hearts of Metsdom forever just by taking the hill today even if you give up 10 runs in the first. The effort and desire will be appreciated.

In the meantime there's still a few hours left to vote for The Dopiest Moment In Shea Stadium history - check out the main page on
Hopefully the Mets have read this:  25 Ways To Make The Shea Finale A Good One.

I'd like to enjoy my Sunday afternoon, not sit there all hostile.  I'd like to use my playoff tickets.  I don't want to spend October half-rooting for the Rays and/or Joe Torre.  I will however be glad to be rid of Four Inning Pedro.
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