Friday, September 11, 2009

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Mets Fans Are Different (Link)


I saw this a long while back and saved it for a rainy day when there was nothing happening in Flushing.

The article (from last year) breaks down the miracle win tendency, the devestating loss tendency, and this good observation about die-hards (and yes we die hard):

I have been to Philadelphia many times to see Mets/Phillies games and the fan consistency is not there. Granted, when that team is good they have some of the most die-hard fans on the planet, but during there losing seasons there are more Mets fans showing up to those games in Philadelphia.
I have heard roaring "Lets Go Mets" chants in Florida and Philadelphia, but I have never and will never hear a Lets Go Philly chant in Queens.
Good little piece.  Check it out. 
1 Response to "Mets Fans Are Different (Link)"
Anonymous said :
September 11, 2009 at 7:05 PM
Hate to be a party pooper or whatever it's called today, but I think that Mets fans are not different, in fact, after over 40 years I can say that Mets fans are amongst the quietest and most meek fans around, until there is a man on base.

The days of a spontaneous Let's Go Mets cheer are gone (unless we have a serious threat going).

Yankee fans, perhaps because they ASSUME their team will win, actually cheer BEFORE there is a rally.

The Let's Go Mets cheer has been ruined since 35% of the fans make that idiotic "hooo" noise, so the cheer is quieter.

I also believe that those that go to other parks are probably better fans that make more noise, but when they are at Shea or Citi, it's quiet as a mouse till there is a threat--or unless the make noise department gets them going.

It's just my impression, not worthy of a debate, I have been to many hundreds of Mets games and it is what it is.

By the way, I was also at the first game at CitiField and was surprised that the fans did not give an ovation to the park. You'd think that the fans at the beginning of the season would have been pumped up, but like the team, they really weren't, all polite applause...

Last comment. This season has pretty much ruined my passion for the team and it's owners and management on and off the field.

Sad, yet true.

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