So here's the new uniform.....
It looks nice. I like the ball logo on the sleeve (please add the NY back on that, you aren't fooling anyone).
It still has dropshadow. Why, why, why, why, why?
It's hard to judge the white/cream/off-white whatever we are calling it until we see it on a human....
Last year when the Sox introduced new caps they actually had a press event. That's what the Mets should have done.
Back to the Mets jersey, what's that material under the armpit?
The phrasing of the release is interesting: "
The Mets will also continue to wear their white uniform at home with the black jerseys as an alternate."
We had heard the pinless would be the prime uniform with these as a secondary. Maybe the converse is true? If I wanted to sell jerseys I would wear these more often than uniforms already out there. Also unfortunately the black jerseys continue to survive.
I'm sure more info will come out throughout the day, and
Uni Watch hasn't weighed in yet.
In the past I've questioned the Mets when they claimed to do research but we do know
they did a uniform survey this time around, so that's good.
So for now, I like them but they could've been better. They also could've been worse. No word on pricing etc yet, as I said I'm sure more info will come out during the day. I'll be wearing my now "retro" snow-white pinstriped jersey my cousin bought me. Thanks cuz!
Update: If you can get past the Newsday Berlin Wall,
David Lennon has some information about the sales including some details about 20% off for season ticket holders.
Update #2:
The whites will remain the primary home uniform, with the pinstriped unis and black jerseys "in the rotation," according to the Mets.
I've been told by the Mets that "natural" color is a light cream similar to the '69 replica jerseys that fans were given in August.
Update #3: Early buzz seems to be "cool but why the hell did you keep the dropshadow and the black uniforms?" Can't say I didn't warn you Dave Howard.
Update #4: An email from Peter, unconfirmed and Mets Police is not news (it's entertainment), take with a grain of salt as I have not confirmed this.
I just found out i have to visit the Citi field Store in order to get the discounts on the jersey.
20 % off the 2010 jersey plus my club mets card 15% that 35% off the jersey
The mets store on 42nd will have the jersey but not at a discounted price argg.
Lastly, i thought the jersey was going to be cream?
Update #5:
Mark Healey has left a new comment on your post "Official New Mets Uniform Announcement":
As per the usual, the Mets have taken their good intentions and fumbled them on delivery.
The decision to issue a "retro" jersey eliminates the real pinstriped uniform.
The use of the drop shadow (and continued usage of black as a team color) negates the "retro" feel of the jersey, and ensures that the black and blue hat will continue to be worn at home.
The Mets fan, desperate for anything connecting to its beloved history -- a history long-ignored and always awkward and forced relationship with ownership -- will buy this jersey.
This will ensure some sort of suit-speak comment
like, The sales figures support our decision to create synergy between the team's history and the current fan base."
The review from this Mets fan? Zero stars. If you're going to make a statement, do it right or don't do it at all.
Update #6:
BPALM has left a new comment on your post "The New 2010 New York Mets Pinstriped Uniform":
The material under the armpit is from the cool base jersey. During the warmer months and usually all the time now jerseys are made of a material similar to the BP jerseys which have far better breathability
Update #7.
Burt Hubbuch has posted on including this gem:
The primary home uniform, however, will remain bright white with blue lining. Also, the alternate black home and road jerseys that appear to be unpopular with most fans are coming back.
Maybe Burt should run the team. He gets it.
Update #8
Some speculation that the image doesn't represent what the jersey looks like. Otherwise, Osh41 is right with his rants (he's emailing me) that there's nothing "new" about it, it's just a dirty Mets jersey.
meanwhile on twitter (and I'm re-tweeting away @metspolice if you want to follow)
FYI, the players' names will be on the back of the new retro uniforms.
Update #9 (1:22pm)
A fan and I are emailing, he went to the store and they were very protective of the jerseys and wouldn't show him one (you know, because the world might end if a fan saw one). He says the cream looks "darker" than the email photo.
Here's a larger photo from Burt Hubbuch on Twitter. Gives you a slightly better feel for it.
The dropshadow is AWFUL. Come on guys, you blew it again. The Mets never get it right.
Update #10...Osh41 weighs in
This is the EXACT SAME JERSEY one shade of white different than the home pins from last year. Is anyone else noticing this besides me???
This is yet another example of a half a– effort by this team, out of touch with their core fan base.
Can we have one jersey that does not have black on it? This is neither a retro jersey or a new one.
We will see the horrible blue/black hats with this and will see this new jersey about as often as we saw the pins last year. I actually got a little excited that after the he ‘acknowledgement of club history’ announcement they wouldnt screw this one up – well they did.
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